Elevate your event to a meaningful and unforgettable gathering that leaves a lasting impression on all attendees.

Make a lasting impact on your guests' lives
by fostering inspiring connections that
help them rediscover their divine essence
and navigate the mysteries of the Universe.

Meet Gail

A medium, coach, and direct channel for The Council.

Hello. I’m Gail, and I understand the challenges of grieving a loved one or seeking clarity in life firsthand, having walked that path myself.

Since a young age, I navigated the pressures to conform and suppress my intuitive abilities, leading to a sense of loss and disconnection. However, by embracing my unique gifts and talents, I uncovered my life's purpose and embarked on a journey of self-discovery.

My mission is to guide individuals who feel lost or stuck in unlocking their potential, tapping into their innate talents, and transforming into the change-makers they were meant to be.

Through messages from their spirit guides and angels, I help them find direction, fulfill their purpose, and embrace their true selves. Let me help you embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

“The chance to reconnect with my daughter after her death accelerated my healing. My daughter’s message released me from my list of “what ifs” and overwhelming grief. Thank you, Gail, for reuniting us.” – Tom

“Getting the message from my spirit guides about my boyfriend’s soul’s purpose of exploring suffering, my need to release my judgment of that needing to change, allowed me to free myself from a toxic relationship. – Christine

Make the call and book her

Each Message
Changed Everyone’s Connection

Elevate the energy of your next event with Gail's transformative guidance, allowing your group to connect with departed loved ones, gain clarity on life's purpose, and seek profound wisdom from The Council. Delve into the mysteries of the Universe and foster inspiring connections that ignite personal growth and spiritual transformation. Make your event an unforgettable experience where guests rediscover their divine essence, empowering them to embrace their unique path and create lasting positive change in their lives.

Create an event
with impact!