for Change Makers

Each week, we post a message of purpose and unity for change-makers channeled by Gail Suitor from “The Council.” To stay current, subscribe to “The Best Part” newsletter.

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Individuals, Intuitive Messages, Families Gail Follett-Suitor Individuals, Intuitive Messages, Families Gail Follett-Suitor

Understanding the Energetic Connections in Adopted Families

Explore the profound and awe-inspiring phenomenon of energetic connections in adopted families in this channeled message. Discover the intricate blending of soul frequencies and unconditional love that form the basis of these relationships. Learn about the powerful commitment required from both souls to create a unique bond between adoptive parents and children. Delve into the spiritual significance of children choosing their parents for soul growth and embrace being selected as a caretaker and co-creator. Visit our site to gain insight into the deep, meaningful connections within adoptive families and celebrate the National Day of Children with us.

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Individuals, Intuitive Messages Gail Follett-Suitor Individuals, Intuitive Messages Gail Follett-Suitor

Empowering Parents to Raise Change-Makers: A Message of Unity and Oneness

Discover the transformative power of parenting change-makers; this message provides insights and support for parents and caregivers. Embrace your children's unique potential to inspire and catalyze significant change in the world. By letting go of stifling expectations and challenging conventional norms, you can nurture the next generation of leaders who will dismantle limiting beliefs and systems of separateness. Join us in exploring the importance of unity, embracing individuality, and fostering an environment where children can thrive as master teachers of co-creation and unity. Embrace curiosity, trust in their inner knowing, and prepare to shift your beliefs for a brighter, more interconnected future. #Parenting #ChangeMakers #UnityAndOneness

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Intuitive Messages, Individuals Gail Follett-Suitor Intuitive Messages, Individuals Gail Follett-Suitor

Empowering Non-Verbal Change Makers

Are you ready to embrace your role as a change agent in the transformative time we find ourselves in? You have been called to ignite change, to shift perspectives on values and unity, and to amplify voices that have long been ignored. As a Master Teacher, you can activate change through vibrational patterns, drawing strength from patience, love, and inner wisdom. While the journey may seem daunting, know that you are not alone. Seek fellow non-verbal activators to support and uplift you on this path of enlightenment and unity. Remember, your spirit guides are always present, ready to assist and guide you through your mission. Embrace your role as a pioneer of new awareness and unity on Earth, knowing you have everything you need to succeed. Step forward confidently and walk in the knowing that you are here to make a difference.

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Intuitive Messages, Individuals Gail Follett-Suitor Intuitive Messages, Individuals Gail Follett-Suitor

The Future of Companies in a Unified World

A transformative shift towards unity and collaboration is on the horizon in work and organizational dynamics. As companies evolve into collaborative co-creating zones, individual talents and gifts are recognized as essential to team success. A future where equal recognition, profit sharing, and interdependence are paramount is taking shape, reshaping traditional structures and roles within organizations. Embracing this shift towards unity means valuing each team member's unique contributions, redesigning roles for maximum impact, and working towards shared success that benefits the organization and humanity.

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Intuitive Messages, Individuals Gail Follett-Suitor Intuitive Messages, Individuals Gail Follett-Suitor

Messages of Purpose and Unity for Change Makers 2023

Discover a powerful messages for change makers, channeled by Gail Follett-Suitor. These insightful messages uncover the wisdom, inner strength, and guidance to pioneer change, ignite transformation, and promote unity in a world that often undervalues neuro-distinct brains. Embrace your purpose and find support in your mission to bring about a new awareness, seek guidance from your spirit guides, and become the change maker you are born to be.

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